Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Term 1 Week 9

 Sam brings in a grasshopper which was very well behaved begin with, 
then it was a game of "grab the grasshopper!"
 Using the Big Books during guided Reading.

This group was learning to break down and summarise a text in different ways.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Term 1 Week 8 - Gala Craft: We make magnetic photo frames. We have our trip to the ASB Aquatic Centre (thanks to all the parent helpers!)

 The finished photo frames - click on the image to take a closer look....
or better yet come in to Room 11 and buy one!
 Water safety day at the Aquatic centre...thanks SO much to all the parent helpers...we could not have gone on the trip without your are FANTASTIC!!!!!
"I liked the boat the best because we had to jump off and because we had to get all the water out or we would have sunk!" - Kate

"I liked the lifejackets the best because we had to jump off and then huddle so no-one drifted away" - Isabel
"I liked the boat the best" - Om
" The lady was pouring water into the boat with a bucket, she was trying to make the boat sink" - Baylee
A relaxing time in the raft....almost as much fun as being in the classroom!

 We take a class photo to put in our frames

The frames are nearly finished and will soon be stuck to the 
whiteboard for everyone to see. They will available for all parents and caregivers to buy for $3 with all money going towards the school gala.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Term 1 Week 7 - The great minibeast hunt!

 It doesn't have 6 legs so it's not an insect...but it IS a minibeast!

Filling in the paperwork - sketching the habitat, sketching the minibeasts, naming them if you can, and recording how many you found.  

 Cicada Nymph shells are everywhere right now!  Photo by Sam

 The boys find HEAPS of ants!

The mantis...eater of other minibeasts!  
This one looks a little angry about being captured by Room doubt it is planning its escape.
Is it a New Zealand or South African mantis?  If it has a blue mark on the inside of the front leg then it's a New Zealand Mantis.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Term 1 Week 6 - We have our last swim for Term 1, the finished portraits are on the wall, the students use their ideas to sort pictures of different creatures into those that are minibeats, might be minibeats, and those that aren't.

 "I think that nothing with two legs is a minibeast" - Isabel
"I think birds and seacreatures are not minibeasts and most minibeasts don't lay eggs" - Sam
" I think things that slither are not minibeasts" - Mareva
" I think most minibeasts have small skinny legs and wings" - Om and George
"I think most minibeasts eat leaves" - Georgia
 Well done Room 11, they look great!
Another minibeast is pinned to our board.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Term 1 Week 5 - Arty Shapes for Geometry, Clay Creations at the Suter, Mrs Pearson and Zico visit us, The students finish their AMAZING self-portraits, Bug Research on the computers.

The students could only use shapes we had looked at in geometry to create their art.

We were learning to whisper, talk and shout with our sketching pencils.
For these to look this good you have to be very patient, think before you draw, and use techniques such as shading to create different effects.