Thursday, June 28, 2012

Term 2 Week 10 - We all work together to build one big marble-run, Our Egg-Speriments show you can dissolve the shell of an egg with vinegar, Zico comes in for another visit.

 Each student took turns to glue-gun a piece onto the marble-run...the tricky bit was continuing on from the last person so that the marble kept rolling smoothly.
 Zico comes in for a visit during a wet lunch.
The homework shows that an egg-shell is no match 
for the acid in vinegar!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Term 2 Week 9 - Marble runs! We combine maths, science and technology to create a marble runs with the goal of keeping the marble rolling for as long as possible.

 We had to use maths skills to measureestimate lengths,
think about angles
and time our marble runs.
 We had to use scissors, tape, cardboard, glue guns, bits of plastic pipe etc to create the marble runs.

 The only person who had to run to the cold tap to cool the hot glue on his hands was....Mr Pearson!
Everyone else managed to do it successfully.
 A really important part of making the marble runs was
working together as a team
and getting involved.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Term 2 Week 8

 The Beach Fun-Run!
We get into our house colours and head out to
enjoy co-operative challeges on our local beach.
Tatahi prepare for the next challenge...
building the tallest sand castle.
Ra are right behind us heading for the water and bucket challenge.
Moana won overall (well done).  Tatahi won best chant.

 We made popcorn as part of our writing.

We are learning to write instructions about how to make something (like popcorn or playdough) 
or how to do something 
(such as running one of our science experiments).
We are using a title and headings such as Goal, Materials 
(or Ingredients), Steps.
We are using verbs such as 'pour', 'mix', 'tip' 'measure' to help guide the reader through each step.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Term 2 Week 7

 We eat a coleslaw made from things grown in our school garden.
Our pea plants reach the 40 cm mark and are sending out tendrils to hold onto the sticks.
 Our mint and parsley plants are growing well too!

Our Siapo Designs
Siapo use shapes found in the Samoan environment.  
We used leaf shapes but others traditionally used include nets, turtle shells, flowers and starfish.
We used hot and cool colours on the parts of the leaves that were diagonally opposite each other.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Term 2 Week 6 - Science, Dance, and Bob entertains us

 We are exploring multiplication skills in maths.  
Here the squares group use arrays to display their thinking.
 We are doing dance for art which includes mirroring, cannoning and shadowing.
 Movements such as melting, shrinking, floating, stretching, exploding, slithering, swaying,
sinking, growing, leaning, falling, and many more.
 We are learning about Tempo, Space, Energy, Levels, Timing, 
Heavy and Light movements, Fast and Slow movements, Smooth and Sharp movements.

 In science we have looked at magnetism.
We experimented with different materials to see if a magnet would still attract things through them.
 We even turned objects such as nails into 'temporary magnets' by rubbing a magnet against them.

 Bob Bickerton came in and entertained us all with a story set in the whaling days.

On Wednesday the 30th of May Bob Bickerton came to our school. He performed music and told an interesting story about a whaler who fell in love.  He used a harp, a fiddle, a flute made out of bone, some bagpipes and a spinning round piece of wood on a string that made a sound like the wind.  The story he told was so sad in one bit that a few people in my class cried.  There were also funny pieces and I thought it was very clever how he used lots of instruments to help him tell the story. I also liked how he got some people up and put them together to do a dance. 

By Georgia